Monday, June 2, 2008

The Inner Temple

Today, we began our day with a lunch at Cafe Rouge. Louis had a sausage sandwich. I had a prie fix .. mussels with spinach and cheese, an omelette provencale, and cafe liegeoise, which just HAPPENS to be the espresso and ice cream combo I order everywhere. It just happens to be much more expensive in pounds with the fancy name.

YUM. I love talking about food.

Jenn and Ed are having their wedding and reception at the Inner Temple in London. Temple Church is best known for being featured in the Da Vinci Code. Louis noted there were tons of business people in suits around the church premises.

This evening, we did a dry run of the wedding day events.

This is Temple Church.
Jenn and Ed's events will actually be in the Inner Temple, which is located right next door. It was cool, though we had to be hush hush because another event was being held in one of the smaller rooms.

This room above is where the reception will be. This is normally the site for where lunch is served everyday. We're not sure for whom .. .maybe for all those people in suits. We did note however that the little place mats for everyone looked like mouse pads... haha Such computer nerds.

If you look really carefully, you might see a Louie in this picture.

The reception hall, bird's-eye view. (Or airplane view, if there were no ceiling and your name was Louis.)

This beautiful park is where the cocktail hour will be held, where drinks and nibbles will be served, and games will commence.

But be careful! A sign notes that no dog fouling is allowed.

One more note:

We saw a sign on the church bulletin board of a wig for sale, for 100 British pounds (appx. $200). It had only been worn once or twice. We thought it might not be the right time to take a picture, but the wig looked like a Parliament wig, like the one our native bud Thomas Jefferson is always shown wearing.


Maiers said...

sounds SO fun! i wish i were there. the reception hall looks like where they eat in a harry potter movie.

Christina Bowers said...


Haha.... glad to see you're finally reading your birthday presents. :)